
Fool you made the girl fall in love
you said those beautiful things
she thought you spoke things you mean

Caress her skin like it's glass
she hears your voice making plans
and sees your face in her hands

You don't wanna see somebody beg
as you feel her heart surrender
you begin to fall
How do you say that something's through
when it never even started
at least not for you

You breathe her air and you leave
you keep your mind on yourself
and lie the glass on the shelf
After the heavenly speech
your body throws holy heat
the angels sing when our eyes meet

It wasn't a lie but it wasn't true
I just wanted to make you feel good
just wanted you near
I wasn't prepared I wasn't thinking of you
that you could actually love me
it never should have started

She's dreaming back on the past
every opinion agreed
doesn't know what to believe

It must have been for a cause
our lives have so many doors
don't think about him anymore

But it was the kiss, it took me away
it's like he knew that I am fragile
he handled me like glass
and it hurts but it's what I deserve
because I should have been more careful
with the others that I handled
I should have been 
I should have been 
and knowing this I know 
that he'll get his
but I don't want the man to suffer
oh not the way I am
because deep down I know that he's glass too
but it really doesn't matter 
until it's happening to you
everybody breaks
everybody breaks

ginger gris med fräknar

å gud så fina gammla bilder, hhah


rensade datorn jusst på 3065 bilder

Jag vet allt om dig för du har varit min

Sitter vid datorn nu hemma, känns jätte tomt utan Emil Harry och Aya
Imorgon börjar skolan om så detta var sista sommarlovs dagen.
igår var jag i Umeå med Nikki och Sonia köpte bara en svart kofta
Snart så ska jag nog träffa Alicia på en kvälls cigg

You don't even know me

Ligger i emils säng nu med Harry,
Han ligger och käkar på täcket och min väska, och min fot..... och allt annat
han tuggar på allt! NICE
jag ska nog göra nått att äta snart
ikväll blir det nog att vara med nikki och sonia och göra massa kuligt !


Got 2 Luv U

det finaste

jag och harry ligger i sängen, han vill inte äta..
så jag låter han sova.
han är så söt vill bara pussa på han
iallafall så idag vet jag inte vad jag ska göra , emil jobbar ju till fyra
så ber blir att vara hemma fram tills det
nu ska jag göra mat tror jag

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